Programs and Services
Healing Hunger Pains Food Program
Healing Hunger Pains Food Service is a program designed to address food scarcity in the homeless community. We aid through food drives and food giveaways during the year. We directly serve individuals and families in the homeless community through these programs. We welcome volunteers and donations for this program all year long.

New Resident Jump Start Kit
New Resident Jump Start Kit is a donation from Sunday Supper to an individual that provides 30 days-worth of personal and household supplies. Often after paying new housing expenses, there is not a lot left for everyday supplies. We fill this gap by providing items, gift cards, and vouchers to new residents to help jump start their transition.
Primary Care Service
Primary Care Service focuses on providing a personal touch to care by
- Providing recommendations for medical care locations
- Providing hands on caregiving assistance for those with disabilities
- Providing limited medical supplies not covered by insurance such as wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, manual scooters, and more.

Health and Wellness Outreach
Health and Wellness is a secondary service with Primary Care and it extends aid to homeless individuals by providing basic care management services and personal items. Sunday Supper host clothing drives to support these efforts.
Mental Health Education and Resources
Mental Health Education & Resources is a teaching tool focused on bringing people together despite mental health disabilities. We provide guidance to families seeking mental health services and resources. In addition, we educate families on how to effectively communicate with loved ones experiencing a mental health crisis using verbal and non-verbal communication skills.

Housing Transition
Housing transition is a two fold program for (1) providing resources for temporary and permanent housing options (2) assistance in physical transition from temporary to permanent housing with limited moving assistance